Social Networking

With 1.28 billion users on Instagram in 2022, social media is today’s way to retain the customers your PR and marketing efforts attract while inspiring new ones. We can support your in-house social media efforts or manage it entirely. We're here to give your brand an online voice and presence.


When we manage your pages, we take the voice, personality and tone of your brand and post engaging, personable content that keeps us “friends” with your fans. Today’s 1-800 customer service number, consumers turn to social media to express concerns and answer questions. We are your representative on the other end, making you part of the online conversations surrounding your brand and giving prompt feedback and answers. 


While Facebook lets us interact with people who find and like you, Twitter lets us seek out new ones. We search people tweeting about the topics that are relevant to your brand and become part of the conversation. 6,000 Tweets happen every second. Will some of those be yours?


Instagram has given brands the power to share their story through images. The use of hashtags allows us to lead and direct the messaging connected to images we share. With 1.28 billion active users, this is an ideal medium to post and find impactful images of consumers engaging with your products, everything from at-home to event photos. Nothing beats face to face interaction, right? Well in social media, nothing beats an engaging image. It's time to start taking and sharing those photos!


Pinterest is a tool to personify your brand to its 84.6 million active users. It serves as a platform to share who you are as a brand and company. We find content that reflects not just your products, but the interest group your products fall into, along with sharing creative ideas people can do connected to your brand. This site is all about discovery. 

Google Plus

Google+ lets brands and users build circles. This is a way to stay connected to influencers and bloggers and build a strong community of advocates for your brand with significant social followings. This platform has over 2 billion registered users world-wide. We'll get you connected.

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