Brand Ambassadors


Reach Public Relations will launch a strategic influencer program to build awareness and grow your social media presence. By aligning with influencers who embody the essence of your brand and who have built strong and loyal followings, we will create an online community of genuine brand advocates. From established bloggers and foodies on Instagram to media-savvy spokespeople, these partnerships will inspire word-of-mouth buzz that will take on a life of its own. 

All logistics will be handled by Reach PR, including influencer vetting, campaign and relationship development, contracts, budget, and reporting. In addition to the exposure garnered through influencer posts, initiatives in the program can serve as a great complement to PR, social media and marketing efforts. 


Nutritionists can have an impact on your brand both with their clientele and the media. By being a genuine spokesperson and adding a personal and visual element to your product, they are a great asset when pursuing TV opportunities and are often called upon as experts. We approach our nutritionist outreach similar to our media relations efforts on your behalf, customizing our message depending on the contact, creatively introducing your products, pitching relevant and timely angles, and staying in touch to keep your brand top of mind for purely editorial and paid exposure opportunities.


Our goal is to take your message to as big and relevant an audience as possible. Teaming with like-minded organizations that have an established following of your potential customers is one way to do this. From official sponsorship relationships to mutually beneficial arrangements, we'll coordinate partnerships that are designed to increase your brand awareness and consumer engagement. To name just a few options, sometimes this will mean teaming together for an event and other times it will mean utilizing their spokesperson for joint exposure. We'll work with you to determine what makes sense for your brand.
